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This week has been an interesting one.  I’ve had a couple of bad day with the anxiety (panic) disorder and agoraphobia, but I’m trying to handle them the best I can.  My mom, while her heart is in the right place, feels like I need to change doctors because I’m not “fixed” yet.  ‘sigh’  I will never be fixed, it’s a matter of maintaining.  The chest pains are a better this morning and that’s a start!  I’m maintaining a positive outlook and that’s the most important thing (mostly positive, I have my moments).

Without further ado (I hope you’re all bright eyed after getting up at 4 am and 1 am to watch the royal wedding) the best stuff I found this week: is very similar to lookbook and the sartorialist, but it’s design and community have something super special to offer.  It’s worth a visit just to see their outstanding design.

This necklace is amazing!  It’s from the MOMA Store, they have some really great stuff in there.  This necklace is so unique and interesting.

Coolest. (non gemstone) Ring. Ever.  Seriously.  I know I’d probably ruin half my wardrobe snagging it on things, but it might be worth it and I won’t have to carry pepper spray anymore.  I can totally kick someone’s ass with this ring, no one will want to get in fisticuffs with me :)

Have you SEEN this?!!  These pugs are so cute and silly.  I would’ve just posted the video link, but you must visit cute roulette if you don’t already know about it.  Hours and hours of cute animal fun

This typeface in unbelievable.  One day, I hope, I’ll be able to make kick ass type faces, but until then, I will continue to look at them.

Since reading Katie’s post earlier this week, I have decided I need a watch like this and have been scouring the internet for one.  It’s so feminine and beautiful.

Isn’t this print amazing?  Very talented artist Brett Manning created it and it is breath taking.  I just love it and really want to get my hands of a print of it.  She’s currently sold out :(  Make sure to check out her other works.  They’re absolutely inspiring.

Part two is solely focused on William and Kate etsy items.  While I love etsy and it’s helped me make a good deal of money, the dregs of the crafting world have come out in full force to peddle their wares.  And, it’s awesome.  Without further ado…


This is cute, but why?  Why would anyone want this?  It’s not your wedding.


This one verges on creepy.  Wait, I take that back, it’s just plain creepy.  I kind of want to see if the picture really doesn’t come off with use, but not enough to actually buy this soap.  These would make cute favors for wedding guests, but not for the average American who is just obsessed with the wedding.


Someone spent a lot of time and energy painting these and they don’t look anything like the royal couple.  Not to mention people generally don’t want portraits of strangers in their houses.


Really?  Really?


The design is so cute, but why?!!  Wait, I know why…’sigh’…capitalism


W. T. F.  You holding your own ceremony, person who bought this?  Are you dressing up, as well?




This is a hodgepodge of whatever crap this designer found at the bottom of her junk draw, she strung them onto a string then printed out some Windsor family pictures off of Google.  Really, like picture is giving me a head ache.


I really want to know if someone buys this.


I just keeps getting better.


For sanity’s sake and my personal wellbeing, I hope this was made by a machine.


What the hell is this?

How many of you are getting up at the ass crack of dawn to watch the wedding?  Don’t be shy, we all have our guilty pleasures.

Yesterday, in between my classes, I went on a trying on clothes spree.  It was almost that scene from Sex in the City when Carrie tells the sales associate she’s not to buy shoes under any circumstances, she’s just there to try them on. (I tried to find a video of the scene–no luck)  Once in the dressing room with about 50 things, I realized I haven’t had a Pretty Pictures post in a while and shot my outfit with the iPhone.  Good ‘ol iPhone camera.  What did we do before portable phones with cameras?

Trying to get my whole body in the picture was a challenge.  I don’t have a lot of practice taking photos of myself in the mirror.  I feel like I always look weird.

The funny thing is that I usually hate shopping.  Like, with a passion.  Hence, my obsession with buying clothes and makeup and purses and pretty much everything but computers on ebay.  But, yesterday for some reason, I went to a bunch of stores and tried on many different things without falling in love with any items (except a $40 tee shirt I just couldn’t justify).  Sometime during this experience, I decided I NEED a designer purse and walked around Dillards for about an hour.  Left without one.  I was feeling very un-me, but in a fun way, yesterday.

Necklace: etsy (from 3 years ago, I can’t remember, but it’s an awesome necklace!)
Shirt and vest: c/o Alternative Apparel
Short Jeans: Ann Taylor Loft
Slip ons: Keds
Ring: Lovely Bug

In case you aren’t paying attention to anything, the royal wedding is coming up on Friday.  Prince William is finally getting married to that girl he’s been shacking up with for the past 5 (4?) years.  And, much to my mother’s dismay, Kate isn’t having to go through the 6 months of tests to prove her virginity like Diana did. (I’m all like, “They’ve been living together, she’s obviously not a virgin,” to which my mom replies with an eye roll)

Anyways, there are a barrage of amazing products commemorating this special day.  Here are a few of the best:


Nothing says, “Welcome to my home” like plates with strangers’ faces.  And their wedding date.  Actually, if you see this in someones’s house, they probably also have lamps made of skin, Ted Bundy style.


Seriously?  These are SO creepy.  Like, I wouldn’t be able to sleep in the same room with them.  ‘shudder’


These are a little weird when it’s your own kids (or me and my brother on my mom’s fridge) but I get the whole framing the family thing.  This is just a red flag that the person who has it must have some kind of mental disorder (I have mental disorders, so it’s all good) (no, I don’t have the magnet).  It’s a magnet by the way.


Have they actually sold any of these?  I can’t find any data on the first search page of google.  If you know something, tell me!  I must know if people actually have this in their homes.


I hear the glass doll eyes follow you around the room.


Now when you’re getting it on with your special someone, you’ll be reminded of the royal couple right before the big moment.  This may be a good or bad thing for you, either way, condoms?  I guess people no longer have taste.


For the small price of $19.99, you can own a cheap and complete rip off of a priceless heirloom.  Yay capitalism!


The weirdest thing about these is you know it’s not mostly little girls playing with these.


I feel bad hating this because I know this commission made some sculptor’s year and they are lovely, although Kate looks like this woman I used to work with, but candle extinguishers?!  Really?  This product is just shocking.  Ok, the paper dolls, I can see that, the condoms…okay…but this?


Now you & your family and friends can take your pills in style while remembering those royal we hold so close.

Stay tuned for part 2!  Will and Kate take over Etsy!

I’ve been a horrible blogger this week. It’s been an interesting week, more about that at another time.  I did however find time to catalogue some of the awesome things I came across this week.  Ahem…

This awesome story about paper artist Joe.  After doing all of that work last quarter with an exacto knife, thinking about creating something like this gives me a headache and a ton of respect for Joe.


These gorgeous masks.  I don’t know what I’d do with it if I had one, but they’re so pretty and show great craftsmanship.

Maru, he’s so cute!

Gemma Correll‘s adorable kitty illustrations. 

This is great, by Vioet Bella.

I wish I’d read this before I started blogging!

This website is just amazing!

Have a great weekend!  My birthday is on Monday so I’ll be celebrating with friends and family–one of my buds even made me a cake!

The week, the craziness has started up again and it’s only just beginning.  I didn’t have time to write very many posts, but I did take some time outs to peruse the interwebs.

Forest Xylophone, watch it all the way through, seriously.  It’s a work of art and absolutely amazing!  I can’t imagine having the patience to make this.

Katrina‘s Yellow Posting–so pretty!!  She showcased some other colors as well

I received the Anthropologie catalogue in the mail this week and I just want everything in it.  I need a wealthy benefactor to buy me clothes and furnish my apartment.

Dresses, dresses and more dresses, all I want to wear is dresses. ‘sigh’

The cool thing is Ms. Iris has found enough dresses to wear one every day.  I’m a little jealous…

And last but not at all least, these beautiful rings by Kristen Coffin.  I just love rings…they rock!

Have a happy Friday and a great weekend!  And maybe be on the lookout for dinosaurs and send me pictures if you happen to see any ;)

School is back in!  Starting yesterday.  I like my new schedule and I don’t think I’m going to have to cut paper all quarter!  Whoopie!  After 2 weeks of mostly laying in my bed watching The Office and Weeds while lying under my heated blanket with Chico, it was nice to have been a little productive.  And I missed my new friends.  After we paid for the quarter (highway robbery!!) we headed to Piedmont Park to lie in the sun and get reacquainted.  After tons of rain and cold days here in Atlanta, it was gorgeous out!  I forgot how nice it is to just be out in the sun breathing in the air.  ‘sigh’

Like a good blogger, I took a bunch of pictures from my spot in the shade.

Adorable art school friends K and R.  Sharing secrets (not really) and laughing.

K and A playing frisbee.  I used to have legs like that.

K and Asa.  Asa has a really cool leash.  Although they didn’t meet, I think he and Chico will make great friends.

R was making an awesome sinister/devious face (he’s really good at those and he also specializes in ‘you’re so stupid’ faces) and I asked him to make the face again for this photo and this is what I got.  So…I’m not sure what kind of face this is.

It was a wonderful way to start the quarter, especially now that we’re at the beginning and don’t have assignments to freak out about yet.


I’m still here, so I guess the world isn’t ending today.  Oh well.

I found some great things on the internet this week I want to share, have a great Friday!

Love this, it’s hilarious as is the whole website!

I love Color Me Katie and this little video about her from Scout Mob is awesome.

Cute kitty crotch shot from miss Kaylah is adorable!  Makes me really miss my kitties (well, they aren’t really mine anymore)

Chelsea from Seablanket is quitting her day job to become her own boss and a full time designer!  I’m so excited for her, rush over there and congratulate her :)

The lovely Isobel is turning 2, I can’t believe she’s getting so big!  I’m not invited to the party, but I’m going to assume it’s because I live 3,000 miles away.

I don’t know if I can live another day without these in my closet.

Fellow Atlanta blogger Lar tied the knot this week.  So exciting!

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